- #Virtues and vices list changeling the lost skin#
- #Virtues and vices list changeling the lost Patch#
Social Attributes: Presence 3, Manipulation 7, Composure 5 Physical Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 7, Stamina 5 Mental Attributes: Intelligence 6, Wits 7, Resolve 6

In addition to most of the varieties of goblin fruits and oddments listed in Changeling: The Lost, the ifrit has found, transplanted and cultivated samples of Bloodapple, Ghoul’s Shroud, Serpent Gourd, and Widowroot. Ybalashi’s garden contains a wide variety of goblin fruits, some of which are common throughout the Hedge and some of which are of a rarer vintage.
#Virtues and vices list changeling the lost Patch#
At the “center” of this strange land - peopled by hobgoblin slaves and, perhaps, the occasional unfortunate condemned there by a former “master” - stands a garden of such overwhelming verdure as to make any earthly conservatory look like a patch of weeds by comparison. Numerous palaces are positioned in different landscapes: a fortress of brass and flame atop black basalt cliffs, for instance a white marble villa sprawling across the entirety of an expansive oasis or jagged towers rising up out of an endless salt flat, hewn from salt crystals each as tall as a skyscraper. For any creature other than Ybalashi, however, the Inmost Paradise is a vast playground of wonderful and terrible vistas. While a seemingly endless realm of nightmarish beauty that plays havoc on Clarity, the bottle that serves as Ybalashi’s home in this world is, to her, a terrible, claustrophobic, limited sort of a place, something suitable for mortals or perhaps the Lost, but certainly not for one of the Gentry. The ifrit’s voice possesses what many have described as a husky, seductive, almost feline quality. Ybalashi’s limbs are long and graceful and her fingers swift and dexterous enough to snatch the wings off a fly in midair without harming any other part of the creature. Her irises gleam like bright, fire-lit opals and her thick, lustrous black hair falls, bone-straight, in tails and braids to a narrow waist.
#Virtues and vices list changeling the lost skin#
Her soft skin has the look of buffed brass. Ybalashi is a tall, slender, beautiful creature, androgynous in appearance, though leaning toward the feminine. She remains trapped, the bottle passed along a line of masters far less wise, who find their wishes going sour. Legends say that she became imprisoned in a crystalline bottle when a wise man turned her frailties against her. Once a princess of the ifrit who dwelled in cities of brass and flame, this True Fae reveled in twisting the wishes of mortals upon themselves, turning their desires into ruin.